本片最“引人注目”的摄影技巧,却也是最为简单的推拉镜头(dolly in/out)。相当一部分的推拉镜头都发生在室内,或者即使是室外,也有视觉元素形成内部框架(frame)[例:35分钟45秒后,Julie在商场里售卖化妆品]。内部框架的目的是很明显的:强迫观众把视觉注意力放在框架内的。而缓慢的推拉镜伴随着框架内人物的动态活动,同样营造了强烈的对比
12:49 "you know having your heart broken is a tremendous way to learn about the world."
13:02 “Do you think you‘re happy?Like...as happy as you thought you'd be when you were at my age.” ——"Seriously? you don't ask people question like that." ——"You're my mom." ——"Hahahah... Especially your mom. Look, wondering if you're happy is a great shortcut to just being depressed."
14:23 "Pretty music is used to hide how unfair and corrupt society is." ——"Ok,so they are not very good. And they know that, right?" ——"It's like that they got all the feelings. And they don't have any skill. And they don't want skill because it's interesting. What happens when your passion is bigger than the tools you have to deal with it? It creates this energy. This, this...this is rock. Isn't great?"
17:44 "I mean everyone is doing it." ——"So you just went along with it." ——"It looked fun." ——"That's just dumb. Why would you do something so stupid? Just following along?"
18:20 "You scared the hell out of me. Why did you hurt yourself like that?" ——"Why do you smoke yourself to death?" ——”Why are you fine being sad and alone?“
19:40 "I think history has been tough on men. I mean that they can't be what they were. And they can't figure out what's next." ——"What're we talking about?" ——”Men?" ——”I think history and men. I mean who're your heros nowadays? A brunch of privileged drug addicts?"
24:58 ”I think that Jamie's energy is very... unstable“ ——”Well, you're right. Then there's an energy crisis, maybe that plays into someway.“
36:26 "Of all the misconception of love, the most powerful and persuasive is the bielf that falling in love is love. Or at least one of the manifestion of love. Love is supposed to be a feeling that you feel. People say they're falling in love but they're not actually falling in love. It's a fake connection that you feel with someone. And marriage should never happen."少有人走的路
42:28 "You will get through this. You will do it. This is the really hard part. And then what happens is there is hard part and then it gets better, and then it gets hard again, but never mind. ”
47:32 "This is just my opinion. I think being strong is the most important quality. It's not being vulnerable. It's not being sensitive. It's not even...Honestly, it's not even being happy. It's about strength. And your durability against the other emotions."
48:27 “There are bunch of things, that I think my life would have been better if they were have been around when I was a teenager. So I'm hoping, that if you listen to them ,now, you will be happier and more realized person than I could ever hope to be.“
54:00 "My mother called it compartmentalization. Apparently, I do it a lot."
1:08:44 "How are you dealing with everything?” ——"Whatever you think your life going to be like, just konw, it's going to be anything like that."
1:24:04 I am gregarious and interested in others and I think intelligence. All I ask is to get to konw people and to have them interested in konwing me. I doubt whether I would marry again and live that close to another individual. But I remain invisible. Don't pretent for a minute, as you look at me that I am not as live as you are and I do not suffer from the category to which you are forcing me.
1:27:46 “There is a growing disrespect for government. The schools, the news media, and all the institutions. This is not a message of happiness or reassurance. But it is the truth and it is a warning. It is a crisis of confidence. What we can see in the crisis in the growing doubt of the meaning of our own lives and in the loss of unity and purpose for our nation. Too many of us now tend to worship, self indulgence and consumption. But we have discovered that owning things and consuming things does not satisfy our longing for meaning. We are always believe that we are a part of great movement, of humanity itself , involved for the sesearch for freedom. We are at a turning point of our history, the path leads to fragmentation and self-interest, down that road lies a mistaken idea of freedom. It is a certain route to failure.”1975.7.15 吉米卡特 信任危机演讲
1:46:02 "Were you and dad ever in love?" ——"Sure... or maybe I was just I thought it is supposed to be in love. Or I was scared I'd never be in love. So I just pick the best solution at that time."
看完整部片 最大的感触 一句话概括
这部电影通过个人成长,呈现了大到时代的变迁,女权风潮的流行,小到个人命运、亲子关系。 中间穿插的充满时代感的画面和事物。 所以你不管是冲着年代感去的, 还是贝宁姨的演技、艾丽·范宁的美貌,软糯的正太卢卡斯, 甚至是性观念的启发、女权的启蒙, 这部电影都能满足你。
这部电影通过个人成长,呈现了大到时代的变迁,女权风潮的流行,小到个人命运、亲子关系。 中间穿插的充满时代感的画面和事物。 所以你不管是冲着年代感去的, 还是贝宁姨的演技、艾丽·范宁的美貌,软糯的正太卢卡斯, 甚至是性观念的启发、女权的启蒙, 这部电影都能满足你。
这部电影通过个人成长,呈现了大到时代的变迁,女权风潮的流行,小到个人命运、亲子关系。 中间穿插的充满时代感的画面和事物。 所以你不管是冲着年代感去的, 还是贝宁姨的演技、艾丽·范宁的美貌,软糯的正太卢卡斯, 甚至是性观念的启发、女权的启蒙, 这部电影都能满足你。
美獨陳套孤僻少年vs美好女孩之feel-good小鎮成長故事的加強版(變成媽媽、女房客姐姐、床伴女孩之間)。延續《新手人生》剪接策略,大時代下的邊緣小人物,點綴貌似宏觀的時代指涉(70s末雷根上任前,基進喧嘩的晚響)。媽媽特別可愛,企圖新潮的老派衣著(?),Annette Bening。母子是唯二有旁白的。
基本上是女主的电影。Gerwig和Fanning有点被type cast的感觉。
How lucky Jimmy had such a cool mom!
可以说是非常 art fag 了
所谓洪荒感正如William所说,那一连串看似空洞的物件照片被排列在一起,突然就让人伤感起来,好像所有难以言明的失落都顷刻有了归属。普通的成长故事在已成历史的年代中开场,波澜不惊地向着早已写好的结局演进了一步——Mike Mills在富文本层面上全面进化,人物丰满得让人失语。
片名无比宏大,但Mike Mills仅凭极小的故事格局就四两拨千斤折射出了时代的洪荒感,而那种成长和生活中最难以捕捉的情绪也都在细腻笔触下被生动地描绘了出来,真的让我想起看Boyhood时那种被平凡中史诗感淹没的感受。没想到是颁奖季最爱的一部。